Saturday 7 November 2015

BRACHY WEEK: the pug sequence from PDE - Three Years On

Nowhere near as many people saw the sequel to Pedigree Dogs Exposed, broadcast in 2012, as it aired on BBC Four rather than one of the BBC's main channels.

Here's the Pug sequence. This is actually a slightly longer not-quite-final version of what appeared in the programme, so it contains some extra footage and the commentary is "guide" (i.e. not the final professional recording of it). The graphic doesn't animate either, although you'll get the idea. Apologies to Professor Gerhard Oechtering for the terrible pronunciation of his name - we got it more right in the final version!



  1. Thanks for sharing the clip!

    Do you happen to know how Sissy (Cissy?) is doing after her surgery?

    1. Cissy did very well post-surgery but unfortunately died from a massive seizure - another pug problem.

  2. "I was much further out than you thought
    And not waving but drowning"

  3. What is the title of the follow up documentary and is it available anywhere to view?

    1. Simply Pedigree Dogs Exposed - Three Years On. Google and you shall find.

  4. What is the title of the follow up documentary and where is it available to view?
