
Friday 24 February 2012

We're done...

Today we delivered "Pedigree Dogs Exposed - Three Years On" to the BBC and at 8pm tonight, we heard that the film had passed its "tech-check" - the always-tough scrutiny of technical exactitude that the BBC demands of programme-makers.

Jim, our post-production supervisor, who has nursed the film through its final stages can finally get to sleep after a very full-on last couple of weeks. In truth, we're all exhausted and are looking forward to a quietish weekend before the film airs on Monday (9pm, BBC Four).

The picture above was taken on Wednesday at Halo Post in London when I was recording the commentary to the film. That's Jake in the studio with me - quiet in this shot, although he did start  bored singing a little later.

Yesterday, I took Tickle to the studio - which Halo blogged on its Facebook site, having taken quite the worst picture in the world of our little Irish rescue girl.

In real life, she doesn't have laser eyes.


  1. Excellent! Will it be also made available to those of us who do not have access to the BBC?

  2. a massive congrats ! very much looking forward to it and seeing all the amazing work you do for all our dogs! have a great weekend!

  3. Looking forward, at some point, to viewing it in the USA. -- Rod Russell, Orlando, Florida USA

  4. so no media interest then to this one, no high profile breakfast press breifing with big wigs form the BBC1 (well does BBC4 have big wigs4) no slots on Today...........nope

  5. Huge well done to you, Jon and your team.
    I saw the Radio Times page spread. Great piece.

    Now put your feet up and relax. You all deserve it.

    Can't wait to see what the next documentary although I know I will be shedding tears over the poor pug mentioned in the RT.

    Have a great weekend :)

    1. Your brain is smaller than the other Katie Price

    2. ^
      Ad hominem attacks suck and you shouldn't use them if you want people to take you seriously. It's Debating 101.

  6. Congratulations on getting the film finished , I'm really looking forward to watching it on Monday. Will this one be available on DVD or YouTube as PDE was?
    And a heartfelt thank you for all that you do to raise awareness about health, genetics and breeding practices in pedigree dogs, and the singleminded way in which you continue to work for dogs in spite of all the criticism and abuse.

  7. looking forward to seeing it on ABC Australia!

  8. Congratulations and biggest possible Thank you! to every one on the team!
    We are looking forward to seeing it and hope, as I´m sure many others do, that it will be possible to watch even if we don´t get to see the BBC programmes here.

  9. Welcome back! I thought you'd been kidnapped or something! Lots of 'trying' from the KC while you've been quiet; the Puppy Plan scheme in conjunction with Dpgs Trust should help all pups from the most inbred pedigree to the most outcrossed mutt; asking to see the licences of those who register 5 litters a year on't stop puppy farmers until the licencing system is more watertight but it's a start and finaly I can join the ABS with only male dogs (they are half he equation after all!!!!). I still find it frustrating that the KC has to do any of this at all though.....good breeders should be doing al this without a nudeg from the KC. Hard to change some ingrained mindsets though, eh. I won't watch your programme; it won't do my BP any good! But well done and good luck but please can we have a programme about the good breeders next time?! LOL!
    Vicky P

    1. Nice to see someone have something positive to say about the measures being brought in by the Kennel Club. I must admit that all this saying white whenever the Kennel Club says black is rather yawn-inducing. It's like people who bang on about how the Government never does any good at all. Oh really? That's not a very convincing argument.

  10. Vicky, I think there is very little chance of Jemima every producing anything positive. Sadly she has become seduced by the fact that "Bad news sells", and so is unable to give any real help to dogs and their owners. Even the BBC has realised that she is a campaigner now and has no credibility a a serious journalist. She clearly has a huge hang up with the Kennel Club, despite the fact than most people don't regsister with them.

    I will watch, but will take it with a large dose of salt

  11. Anon wrote: "so no media interest then to this one, no high profile breakfast press breifing with big wigs form the BBC1 (well does BBC4 have big wigs4) no slots on Today...........nope"

    No need for a press screening this time, Anon, as we got the film out in time to get copies to the key previewers/reviewers.


    1. still no media interest then ? or did I miss you on Newsnight, Breakfast time, even Alan Tichmarsh............not even Loose Women then!!

  12. but will it pass theri legal check.......this time? or perhaps the BBC have the budget to try and defend it agian at Ofcom, despite the last one being in the top 8 of all case costs they have had to face when Ofcom have been involved.

    1. The BBC do not have the budget to defend any Ofcom complaints.

  13. Congratulations on the new PDE, I will be one who watches, and thank you for all the interst i have had in dogs with Eilepsy, zak is doing fine, he will be 7 in April,

    I am sure your new PDE will be followed with great interst this time, as it did last time x

    1. More lies and sensationalism no doubt

    2. why dont you prove it then , If show dogs are so healthy have every champion elbow , hip , eye and heart tested and MRI scanned in SM affected breeds, Then you can publish the fantastic results and prove that its all lies

    3. I agree, but they wont, and they say they love their dogs, if thats love i wouldn't want to be disliked by them

  14. To "Anonymous of Feb 25, 1:42 am:"

    If you are so sure of your statements, ("Jemima has become seduced by 'bad news sells' The BBC realised she is "a campaigner" ... she has no credibility", etc) - if you know these allegations to be irrefutable facts, and not baseless opinion, why don't you sign your name and be up front with them? It's hard isn't it? Putting your name and contact information on the line next to something you believe strongly in makes you vulnerable and subjects you to intense scrutiny for bias, slander, intentional misinformation, etc etc.

    To this I say Congratulations to Jemima Harrison for the courage of her convictions, for putting her name, face and contact information out there with her reportage. She does this knowing that if she has so much as a misplaced comma rabid critics will jump at the chance to call her on it.

    To the rest of you who snipe at her from the safety of "anonymous," your comments are less compelling because they carry with them the stinky fog of cowardice.

    Good luck with your documentary Jemima. You are a brave journalist on the front lines of a very nasty war.

    Maria Nation

    1. Jemima a "journalst"? she hasnt written anything of any real credability in years as for this PDE2 , when A REAL JOURNALST has died in Sira this week to use such a term to this hack is a an insult, as for the commissioning editor, has a worse track record in the corporation they have tarnished the beeb with stupid tacky programms, just look up the rubbish and see just what "Pedigree" this team really has!

    2. Journalist yes she is a Journalist, the type that got the News of The World closed down.

    3. I agree she the type of Journalist that got the NOW closed down..........the phone hacking type!!

    4. ^
      ...please stop it with the libel. How is she a yellow journalist, other than that she says things you don't like?

  15. gee when I rad the headline I thought you might be giving up this blog and your incessant search for problems and bad news.. wishful thinking

  16. I look forward to seeing the new film when it is available in the US. Thank you for all you've done to shake the dog world into taking steps to correct some very bad trends.
    Denise Powell

  17. Well done on getting it out on schedule Jemima. It's great to see that others didn't hamper the production at all. Our Sky+ is all set to record it.

  18. Really looking forward to seeing this one Jemima. People harp on about all the good things the KC is doing, what they fail to acknowledge is that most of the recent changes were made BECAUSE of PDE, not in spite of it. The KC wouldn't have changed a thing if you hadn't shamed them into it, and the public would have remained oblivious to many of the health issues affecting pedigree dogs. Thank you and well done to you and all your team.

    1. Totally agree. if not for the program any changes for the better would have been a long time coming. More dogs are being MRI scanned and more vets know what they are dealing with purely because of PDE.

      I had one dog with Sm at the time the program aired and no vet would take any notice of me. Took another dog to the vet with Sm symptoms last month and they had no problem refering me to a specialist and even had the drugs required in stock. & breeders are actually starting to scan their dogs so one day i may be able to buy another with confidence.

  19. Thank you Jemima for giving dogs a voice, and to the person who commented about Jemima only producing negative coverage, shame on you. I've had to watch 2 of my dogs die prematurely due to greedy breeders who see their dogs as "cash cows"

  20. All the best with PDE. I have nursed 1 cavalier rescue to the Rainbow Bridge and our second is starting to show collapse too. Money trumps dogs with these people, if they really loved dogs, they'd either stop our allow a lot of 'outbreeding' to try and prevent MVD, SM and hip dysplasia.

    1. I'm not sure that it quite so easy to prevent hip dysplasia if you look at how it is actually defined.

      If I understand the hip scoring scheme correctly anything less that a 0:0 score is considered to be hip dysplasia (albeit with lower scores less it is often not a problem).

      Even mating a 0:0 to a 0:0 does not guarantee a litter full of 0:0 scoring puppies.

      But the scoring scheme is the best we can do at this time in those breeds that operate under such a scheme.

      I have seen it said that some breeds don't score, because hip dysplasia is not a problem in those breeds. Well not a problem, and not being present are not exactly the same thing. Without a score scheme do we actually know how prevalent in such breeds the problems are? Just because an animal is not visibly affected doesn't mean that dysplasia isn't present. Perhaps more research ought to be being done in such breeds.

  21. Thank you for this, can't wait to see it when it's available in the U.S.

    I love the German Shepherd breed but it's nigh impossible to find a good one in the U.S. these days. I'm absolutely terrified of getting a puppy from any of the current crop of roach-backed, weak hocked, frog dogs currently in vogue. That leaves rescue, where you can at least see if a dog has good old-fashioned structure - the kind they were originally bred for that lets them work/play all day.

    It took a couple of years but we finally found a well put together dog - it's a shame she is of unknown origin because I would like to shake the hand of whoever bred her. The folks we train with in herding and agility tell me she's the best put together Shepherd they've seen in a long time.

    Keep calling the Kennel Clubs out for what they've done to ruin pure bred dogs.

    1. Try Hawks Hunt GSDs bred by trainer Suzanne Clothier.

    2. I hope your current dog is with you for a long time to come, but if and when you are looking for another GSD, take a look at working line dogs. They can make excellent pets, especially in homes that participate in sports, which it sounds like you do.

      For advice on good working line breeders, talk to your local Schutzhund club or get onto a forum such as the one on the Leerburg website:

    3. Thank you for your replies. I will definitely look in to the info you provided.

  22. I have a question for you Jemima. Do you know of any way for people in the US to see PDE: Three Years On when it comes out? Maybe you could post it on the blog or make it available on DVD or something? I am almost squirming in my seat with anticipation, and so far I haven't seen any places online where you can watch it the week after it comes out. I will definitely get it on DVD when that becomes available, but in the meantime, I would love to be able to see it when it officially comes out, before it is available on DVD. Thank you so much for all your work!

    1. wouldthat be the version with the commentry that teh BBC Board have admittted was wrong and asked/ordered it be changed/corrected, but you didnt bother to do so?!?

    2. BBC iPlayer usually has all of the programmes on for 7 days after the initial show.

    3. But thats UK only.

    4. I'm sure Jemima will sell you a copy of the film. After all she profits more from dogs than a puppy farmer. You can always download the Kennl Club film - its tell the truth!

    5. Anonymous - your bitter (often mis-spelt) snipes are becoming very boring. Has this programme threatened your income by any chance? Instead of keep trashing it why not print (or better still BROADCAST) what you believe to be the truth?

      You are doing almost as much all on your own to influence (in a bad way) how the public view dog breeders as this programme could ever do. If you
      are typical - they got it right a lot of the time! Nasty people.

  23. Halo is beautiful!

    Looking forward to the new documentary!

  24. Congratz Jemima! Looking forward to seeing it.

    Any idea when this will be airing in the US....maybe on BBC America? Ive been looking for listings on it but havent yet found any. I would like to post the schedule of that for the various Shar Pei forums I moderate on....and I want to see this as early as possible.

  25. Thank you, Jemima, for all your work.

    Eileen Parsons
    Long Beach, WA, USA

  26. Yes--we want to see it here in the U.S. as soon as possible!!! Please do let us know where and when it will be shown or how we can find it...thank you Jemima!!

    1. I see the HSUS contingent are sucking up to jemima

    2. oh, so everyone who doesn't agree with current dog breeding practices is a radical activist who wants to ban humans from owning animals.

      Sorry, that doesn't work. Most of us do, in fact, own dogs. We'd just to like to see them bred to do things other than stand stiffly and walk around in circles.

  27. To anonymous at Feb 25, 2012 09:17 AM

    You wrote

    "Thank you Jemima for giving dogs a voice, and to the person who commented about Jemima only producing negative coverage, shame on you. I've had to watch 2 of my dogs die prematurely due to greedy breeders who see their dogs as "cash cows" "

    And that is actually my point. Jemima could do so much good if she make TV programs that gave potemtial puppy buyers guidance on how they should go about buying a puppy. The messages given in PDE were "Pure bred dogs are bad, breeders are greeedy, the Kennel Club is Evil".

    The fact is that there are lots of breeders out there who really do make every effort to breed happy family pets that live long and healthy lives. I am truly sorry that you have had dogs with health problems but if you had been given that advice then you would have learnt how to avoid a breeder who treats there dogs as a "cash cow".

    Maybe this point will be made in PDE 3 years on, but I doubt it. Beacuse, in my opinion, Jemima has learnt that graphic images of poorly bred dogs make TV that sells.

    1. "Jemima has learnt that graphic images of poorly bred dogs make TV that sells."

      Should be:

      "Jemima has learned that graphic images of poorly bred dogs that are winning shows ensures that some action follows."

      These are real problems and they still need addressing.


    2. To Anonymous Feb25 2012 10.17pm.

      Both my Cavaliers were rescue dogs. One was found by dog wardens emaciated the second dog had all the relevant dog papers surrendered to the charity that rehomed her with us. While I am sure there are decent people who breed and do follow breeding protocol I've met at least 2 Cavaliers who have had a host of health problems and yet the breeder continues to breed. When I commented to the dog owner that I found it incredulous that this lady continued to breed I was told " Heart murmurs are just one of the traits of the breed." Words fail me.

    3. Come on Jemima darling, I honestly hope you addressed puppy mills and backyard breeding in your latest documentry because it's a much bigger problem than what you may think. In the U.S., over five hundred thousand puppies are produced in a puppy mill every year. These dogs also have the same health problems as you are addressing. Last but not least backyard breeders are just as big of a problem. In my own opinion only Kennel Club breeders should only be breeding dogs, there are days when I go to sleep sobbing and have doubts for the future of my beloved breed; the Pug. It's one of my most favorite breeds of dogs. They are kind, gentle, comedians, sweet and just a very unique dog compared to others. I love their cute little face and when I'm having a bad day I come home and my Pugs are always there for me. To be honest the only reason why I love dogs is because of Pugs. I just hope for the best for pedigree's and hope the Pug doesn't go extinct, It will be the end of my world. There is no other dog breed I love more than the Pug.

    4. Rick, backyard breeders and puppy mills are excellent subjects for documentaries, but the whole point of the documentary is pedigree dogs. And I hope you realize that a good deal of working dogs don't come from the kennel club's bloodlines, because the people who need working dogs find that they can get the traits they want and need more easily when they breed the dogs themselves. Should they be denied the ability to prioritize their needs over the breed standard?

      Why are you so afraid of pugs going extinct? Chances are, considering their popularity and people's willingness to pamper them, pugs would only die out if humanity went extinct first.

    5. I also watched the programme last night, having recorded it. I had seen the first programmed 3 years ago and was not shocked by either of them. The Kennel Club have been advocating inbreeding of dogs for years. Even a layman like me knows, without a doubt, that inbreeding in any animal causes many, many problems. If it didn't then we would all be allowed to breed with our Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons and Daughters! We are not, and the same should apply to dogs if we want to break the cycle of health problems.

      As for Puppy Mills - yes, they are a problem everywhere, but the makers of the programme were not addressing that issue, they were addressing the issue of the Kennel Club, the UK's self appointed authority on dogs, not only allowing but advocating and supporting inbreeding. There have been several programmes here in the UK covering the issue of Puppy Farms - and they didn't address the subject of the Kennel Club - because they are different issues - and you can't cover everything in one programme. That would be like asking a print journalist to make sure that an article on child care covered care for everyone from birth to death - just a simply stupid and impossible thing to do.

      As for Pugs (and I can tell from the above that you love them, so I am sorry to say this) but the Pug is one of the worst breeds for bred in health problems. So many people want them because they are small and they have, as stated above, 'cute little faces'. People buy dogs for many reasons, the dog being attractive is one of them, but surely if you know a dog is bred with reduced nasal cavity capacity, short legs and flat faces (dogs don't have naturally flat faces nor does nature, by design, make breathing difficult for them) just to make them more attractive to us apes - then we should stop buying them and not support that activity?

      Yes, I am a dog owner, I own two Jack Russell cross girls - both of which have long legs, long snouts and long tails - neither have any health problems and I got them from families, not breeders and not puppy farms. They are never, ever, going to win any prizes at Crufts, or even at the local dog show - but they are every bit as loyal as your pedigree Pugs, they are kind, gentle, comedians, sweet and have their own personalities - just like your Pugs. But even without those attributes, above all else they are HEALTHY, partly because they are not inbred from a line of dogs sired by one stud dog at the top. When it comes down to it - I don't mind if my dogs are the cutest on the block, I don't care if they are the most intelligent or the ones who can do most tricks or walk around a ring with their heads held high. I care that they have a long, comfortable, happy and healthy life - because it should be as much about what is right for the dog as it is about what is right for the 'so called' owner.

  28. Really guys...the only way to change this problem is for buyers to refuse to buy anything that hasn't been properly bred and reared. It shouldn't be for the KC's or JH or anyone else to try and force change. If every puppy buyer demanded that everything had been done right there would be no market in breeding bad pups. Problems would still occur as nature is like that, but they would be occasional, unfortunate events.
    Buyers Demand Change!
    Vicky Payne

    1. Yet, unless people like Jemima educate the public about the health issues that are common in various breeds how will the public know to refuse to buy them? How does the buyer KNOW whether or not a dog has been "properly bred and reared" if they are not shown the difference?

      Very few breeders even admit to health issues in the breed, let alone work to educate the public regarding such issues and those of us that do put in the effort to educate the public are often ostracized by other breeders (and even by some of those critics on the sidelines who thrive on drama & negativity)...and unfortunately we do not have the ability to reach a wide enough audience as an investigative journalist has access to. I have spent years trying to educate the public on the importance of researching before buying on various breed forums but with limited success. This because I cannot reach the public on the scale that PDE (and documentaries like it) can. AND I cannot illustrate the problems in articles and posts with the same impact that film can.

      Also, I dont see Jemima as forcing change, simply providing the information on the existing problems that need addressing.

      History has shown us that the foundation necessary for lasting, positive change is raising awareness to the problem and the need for change....and this is what Ms. Harrison seems to be striving to accomplish. Of course breeders and those in the show community dont want to hear negative things about their breeds....but that doesnt mean we don't NEED to hear it. Not that I expect this to be the direct instrument of changing breeding practices...human nature IS resistant to change. But this (and other such) documentaries may help change things indirectly by bringing the issues to the public's awareness which CAN help, as better educated buyers can exert significant influence to bear on the market...and THAT (as you point out) will be what "forces" the necessary changes at the end of the day. Money is what talks to the show community/Pet industry and the market IS the instrument of change but educating the public is the foundation of this change.

    2. Vicky...I'm not a knee jerk Kennel Club basher but I do feel words like "champion" and phrases like "best in show" convey a certain endorsement of the dog concerned! The KC doesn’t give caveats to the effect that its show winners may not be healthy or able to live normal doggy lives. In fact it says very much the opposite—that the dogs are happy and healthy.
      The KC has knowingly sold the idea that pedigree dogs were better than others and the top show dogs were the best of the best... All at a time when everyone in the pedigree dog community knew some breeds were falling apart! That’s why I feel they deserve to be held to account now.
      I don’t subscribe to the view that pedigree dogs are inferior to crossbreeds. I believe there a great deal to be said for good pedigree breeding and I firmly believe our breeds of dog are human achievements to rank with the best art or literature. I refuse, however, to get into the foolishness of defending pedigrees by saying “designer” and other crosses are worse - that approach achieves nothing in my book.
      If pedigree breeds are to be preserved for future generations we must be honest and open about the problems that exist and not fixate on narrow ideas of breed purity. The KC hasn’t got the power to sort everything out but it show ring has a massively disproportionate effect on the world of dogs. The KC can and should lead the way.

    3. Odd Kevin you say such things on here but in Dog World you sing a different tune, or are you worried that you cant show the others you lecture one thing here and yet in the pages of DW and on their Web forum you twist to another stance........perhaps the above should be printed in DW and lets see who you are judged then?

    4. Jemima does not educate anyone, she sensationalises, and does not check her facts. Rank poor Journalism in my book.

  29. Overseas viewers can watch on IPlayer if they use a UK proxy.


    1. Just read this.......seem sliek olf news, and you have to travel to Germany to get any comment, is this PDE2 or just another rehash?

    2. And you know all about bad breeders Margaret,if I had litters with your COI I would put them down not sell them to the public you hypocrit.

    3. Or in Jemimas case, Sieg Heil

    4. Anon, I suggest that you check the COIs of ALL the twenty or so litters and dogs of IRWS that I have bred/owned , instead of picking out the litter with the highest COI before making slanderous statements and you will find the average COI of my IRWS litters is actually below the breed average. Quite difficult to achieve in a breed that has just been singled out by the KC for its very low effective breeding population , and is now being recommended to consider outcrossing, importing new dogs and limiting the use of popular sires. At the moment it is impossible for me to find a single stud dog in the UK, who is not closely related to my own dogs, carries no serious health risks, has working ability, and would give me a low COI. Thats why I have been supporting the Irish Kennel Club's outcross programme for the breed, and will support the KC in the strategy they are proposing for the IRWS

  31. Congratulations, Jemima!

    I hope you are taking a well-earned break.

    Best wishes,


  32. Many congratulations on another brilliant film, delivered bang on time. It has had great coverage in the news sections of papers today, as well as being critic's choice and pick of the day in most. I'm proud to have worked with you on the programme and look forward to record-breaking viewing figures tomorrow.

    1. Another brilliant film? I thought it hadn't been broadcast yet.

    2. You're right, Anonymous, it hasn't been broadcast yet, but I worked with Jemima on the programme and therefore know what an amazing film she's made - her incredible hard work and dedication to detail has really paid off.

    3. record breaking viewing figures. yes the lowest BBC4 has ever seen and they have low figures anyway. Give me a break Jane.


    1. This article was written using a press so not valid!

  34. Thank you Jemima for your courage and efforts in highlighting these appalling health issues. My beloved 5 year old Cavalier has just been diagnosed with SM and MVD. Both myself and the family are devastated. Having spent a few days researching hundreds of cavalier litters on-line, I was appalled to discover how many are still being offered for sale without their parents having been MRI scanned. I had a heart & eye certificates for my dog, but my vet told me they were worthless if the parents were under 5 years of age. I am so grateful you are bringing these issues to the public's attention.

    1. Michele M: You appear to have a very knowledgable vet. -- Rod Russell, Orlando, Florida USA

    2. Rod Russell the attorney in Florida who is a supporter of the HSUS and Jemima has said she does not support animal rights activists.
      Who are you kidding Jemima (sang to the tune of Dads Army.

    3. Are you seriously taking the tag line someone wrote in an anonymous comment on a web blog as fact? That was probably you, or some other negative nancy, posting it to have something to gripe about. The internet is the land of anonymity, and you can claim to be whomever you want.

  35. Will say I believe that the KC were trying to do things but were unable to make enough progress. It's only becasue of public outrage that progress as been possible with the breed clubs being shamed into accepting change.

    1. Who told you that, PLEEEASSSE dont make me larf.

    2. "It's only becasue of public outrage that progress as been possible with the breed clubs being shamed into accepting change."

      Absolute rubbish!!!! Many breed clubs have been battling and working extremely hard to implement changes and health testing for years! This isn't mentioned by the likes of JH. Completely one sided MOCKumentary as per the first.

  36. Well done Jemima and all her time, I show dogs, I was a Health Officer for my breed, I got nowhere fast , in the middle of it all there appeared a ray of hope...awareness of the problems.
    Yes there are some wonderful breeders but there are some that still refuse to see or even consider some dogs and their owners have suffered terribly.
    So a huge thank you and good luck for the future

  37. As you class yourself as an 'expert broadcaster' on canine health (one assumes you are or why are you making such films?)can you tell us please how many dogs were born in the UK last year and how many will die young because of bad breeding? Please include designer and cross breeds in this please.
    If you cannot give figures can I ask why you are allowed to broadcast with incomplete information?

    I doubt this will be passed to your forum as you will be unable to give the correct information.

    1. How can anybody know how many dogs were born in the UK last year and how can not knowing this possibly detract from the disturbing lack of compassion shown by the KC?

    2. I agree with you 100% however we do also inbreed farm animals and they have caused health problems, but at least the agricultural industry is doing something about it, whereas the KC does not see it the same way.

    3. what are the agricultural industry doing? when a bull can be via AI used on thousands of cows just how is that good for any animals future?

  38. I have just watch Pedigree Dogs Exposed - Three Years On. What a fantastic breath of fresh air. It showed a lot of things up that have been blatantly obvious even to those of us without knowledge of animal physiology. It was absolutely inspiring. Bravo to you....and bravo to all the courageous people who spoke out.

  39. Well just watched PDE part 2, and have to say Congratulations Jemima on a great job, of recycling the last hash of a programme. I would estimated 75% shown was clips from the last programme, the same old “experts” like the publicity seeking former RSPCA vet (another TV prog to flog of Build a car, plane, garden....) Mark Evans who has never been to a dog show. Great bit of publicity for your own and others webs sites, and the normal trick of misleading phrase “might be” “its been suggested” “possibly ” or “thought to have been” to make a statement you make about something SOUND like a fact when you have no actual proof or evidence to back it. Tell us just how did the BBC (licence fee payers) cough up this time? the way nice ploy to film things on you mobile phone. Sirius

  40. Wow, looks like you touched a nerve! It's a shame that your blog is being taken over by seemingly bitter individuals who insist on posting libelous comments under the shroud of anonymity. Never mind, I'm sure you can see the IP address used so that you can trace these people and sue them.

    I thought the programme was brilliant. I can't believe people can possibly defend animal cruelty (of course, when bad breeders stand to make lots of £££ from exploiting animals that TRUST them, who cares about the damn dog, right?!)! I know a few people who have bought "show" dogs only for them to have genetic defects and human interaction problems due to abuse. Ultimately if you have the DOGS welfare as your priority then why the hell do we have breeders STILL inbreeding dogs or breeding dogs THAT CANNOT BREATHE correctly?! Some of the practices highlighted in the programme are IMMORAL, disgusting and cruel. If you are involved in the breeding industry and are worried about losing money because of this, then once again you have your priorities all wrong. It's not your money or your career choice that matters. It's the dog, pure and simple. You need to be angry at your fellow breeders not the programme makers! This programme helps people wanting to add a four legged companion to their family make better choices about what they are buying into.

    I'm glad there are still people in this country being willing to stand up for what is right.

  41. I've just watched Pedigree Dogs Exposed - 3 Years On and, once again, I want to congratulate you on a fantastic documentary. I really liked the way that you highlighted the work that has been done by the KC since PDE first aired in 2008. It's becoming clearer now that the KC is just as toothless as the Dog Advisory Council and, I agree, that the time has come to take the health and welfare of pedigree dogs from the KC and move it to an independent body to oversee and manage.

    I really do think that the dog breeder who shows or works their dogs as a hobby is just as keen as we are to change what is going on in the world of dog breeding today....even although they may not admit it. I fear, however, that this may never happen.

    The "powerful people" portrayed in your segment on Boxers are the people who are running dogdom in the UK - there are a few in every breed - not the KC. The health of pedigree dogs will never change with them at the helm. These people are not dog lovers...they love what dogs have done for them. Your interview with the lady whose dog died due to juvenile kidney disease really epitomised what is happening to the caring breeders out there....they are being ignored and vilified when they raise the issue of breed health. There are thousands more people like her who are frightened to speak up. I applaud this lady's courage because the road ahead for her, I imagine, will not be pleasant. She is a true dog lover!

    In every organisation it is always those at the top who make it a success or failure. If people like this permeate a breed then nothing will change. The KC has no power...that is becoming increasingly evident...they have no power because they have a conflict of interest..pure and simple. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.

    I agree 100% with your call for drastic change and new legislation. The sight of the little Cavalier writhing in agony will remain with me can people continue to breed dogs that will experience this level of pain - or die at a very young age? I just don't understand that mentality and I suppose I never will....sadly!

    Well done to you, Jon and your team! Pedigree Dogs Exposed - 3 Years On was worth the wait! xxx

    1. you might applaud the lady who poor dog dies, but why, why , why did she as its breeders go to a stud dogs that had been used so many times?!

  42. Same old, same old - rather boring actually

  43. Another amazing job on this years pedigree dogs exposed.
    I am a veterinary nurse & an owner of CKCS, I know & have seen what this sweet breed has to go through & the programme saddened me although did not surprise me about what some breeders stand for.
    Huge well done also to margaret carter, you are a legend & you should be enormously proud of what you stand for.
    I hope one day all this will be taken on board...but sadly I agree that we shouldnt punish our dogs any further & if that means the end of an amazing breed then so be it

  44. Fantastic programme. Well done for reminding people about the importance of the health of these animals being more important than looks. Please could you do the same for pedigree cats? Especially the Bengal breed which is having problems with HCM and has he same head in the sand attitude from top breeders.

  45. The personal attacks and put downs contain a level of fear and defensiveness that is void of basic human civility and thoughtfulness. There is no argument when reacting as a cornered animal. Perhaps this is the greatest testament to the effectiveness of PDE, the continued resistance to change and childish attacks are indicative of the need for PDE to have been produced, behind the foremost reason, the once untold suffering of the dogs.

    What is it exactly that these Anonymous detractors fear to lose?

    ~Ann Cardon

    1. its "believed" that Anns have bad breath and poor manner, its "possible" that Ann's have the ability to lash out but ofcourse although there is not proof some feel this possible.......well as you can see Ann C the way something is phrased and is said with out any proof, can be very upsetting so when this is said on TV people will belive it despite there being NO proof, but the old "aledged" get ou means it makes a good story to SELL but with no proof it does not matter

  46. They want to look at the bottom level and start at the little open shows and the judging standards there, most put through the face at the end of the lead not the dog, it happens at champs shows as well as Crufts, there are some straight judges but sadly not enough.
    The K.C have put standards in place but sadly the judges take no notice and that is one of the main problems, i know this as i also judge and watch what is being put up for best in show

  47. I think the kennel club is the biggest waste off space ever, there in it for the money and that’s it

    I use to breed pedigree dogs but I got so much shit off them I give up but missed it so much so now I breed cross breeds (both been form a rescue centre) I all I want to have a bit off fun.
    But been a KC breeder I meet other breeders too and most have told me they aim is to breed the perfect show dog and make as much money in the process
    I know off a boxer breeder who destroys any white one she gets she does not want these “mutants” given her a bad name but yet its fine to breed red and brindle ones suffering from genetic illness is beyond me, they would not judge individuals just because of their colour so why a perfectly healthy dog?
    The cuffs dog show needs to be banned and a new show started and not jugged on how some stuck up think they know it all thinks on how they should look but on the health and the ability to do its proposes of its breed

    The worst was poodle breeder I knew she breeds her top stud dog with his own daughters, sisters even breed him with his own mum even though poodles don’t have much illness / problems I seen 3 legged, blind and under developed pups from this breeding close relative dogs
    But thank fully KC has now banned it, why the hell did it take them so long?
    But she has now found a way round this- buy a new stud dog, register the pups under the new dog as the father but still use the top dog and so they still breeding close relative dogs and getting a way with it
    The KC don’t even care they take the money for the litter and that’s it so you can’t even grantee your getting a dog who say who he is any more

    Please do you research before buying a puppy and please think off all those dogs in kennels in need off a good loving home!

    1. Think this person must be a spoof for the following reasons
      They say "I give up but missed it so much so now I breed cross breeds (both been form a rescue centre) I all I want to have a bit off fun." ignoring their grammer breeding any dogs be they pedigree or cross breeds should not be engaged in just beacause its "fun" those who breed should do for good reasons and prepare to take back any of their dogs at any time they have bred, or wouldthis person also think its "fun" as for them breeding from rescues, just what health checks have they done on these dogs, as they are not under the rugulations of the KC just how many time have they or will they breed these dogs? and any Rescue worth its salt would never let a person have any dog knowing it was going to be bred from.

      Again they say "I know off a boxer breeder who destroys any white one she gets she does not want these “mutants” given her a bad name but yet its fine to breed red and brindle ones suffering from genetic illness is beyond me, they would not judge individuals just because of their colour so why a perfectly healthy dog?" well I agree it would be wrong to destroy a healthy dog just beacuse of its colour but white Boxers are on the whole born deaf, is it kinder to humainly put to sleep a puppy then let one spend a whole life at risk due to this condition?

      the following does not even make sense"The cuffs dog show needs to be banned and a new show started and not jugged on how some stuck up think they know it all thinks on how they should look but on the health and the ability to do its proposes of its breed"

      as for "even though poodles don’t have much illness" again shows this person lack of knowledge PRA in Poodle has long been recognised as a major problem and the work the Breeders, Vets and the KC have put in to to rid the breed of this condition.

      as for the claim about false paperwork if the KC are told,about it and investigate (DNA tests are common practice) and found a false application has been made, the breeders will be banned for life.

      so in their own words "Please do you research before buying a puppy and please think off all those dogs in kennels in need off a good loving home!" and dont buy from such foolish people as this who made such daft post, PDE2 failed to show this type of BYB too

  48. I thought the PDE was fantastic for outlining the problems are breeds are having in today's "MODERN WORLD".
    My thoughts are with the brave people that have spoken out who have lost there pets through these terrible traumatic illness,
    All I can say is shame on you, if your breeding or siring knowing your dog/bitch is carrying these genetic defaults you are giving these pups death sentences before there born isn't that cruelty! And your doing it for the love of the breed, I don't think so.£££ Great job guys.

  49. I watched pedigree dogs exposed three years on on Monday, and as someone who counts them self as a massive dog lover and a rather knowledgeable one -I would like to have thought, I was in complete shock. I knew close line breeding was common and certain breeds suffered pretty badly but I didn't realise to the extent at which this was happening and I'm even more shocked to come on here and see the awful comments anonymous people are leaving! The facts are there how can they be argued with ? How can people, and the kennel club call themselves dog lovers when they aren't doing anything to prevent the suffering of these poor animals. Is there any where I can get more information or do anything to help ?

    1. Keeley,

      The information is out there but it is scattered and can be hard to track down. Some suggestions:

      1. Keep reading this blog. There are some very, very intelligent people contributing comments to it. What most of its detractors, especially the Illiterate Anons, can’t get their heads around is that many of those who contribute comments in support of what Jemima writes are in fact breeders themselves who are extremely knowledgeable about canine health and genetics in general, not just their own breed. Some of them also blog and/or have websites that you can link to or track down from their names or comments. If you like what someone says, follow up on it. Check out blogs and websites of people who say things you don’t like too. This can also be very illuminating.

      2. Talk to breeders, but not just breeders. Talk to vets and trainers too. Take everything with a pinch of salt and check it out for yourself.

      3. Do basic Google searches using terms such as ‘canine health’ or ‘dog health’. Substitute various breeds in for ‘canine’ and see what comes up. ‘Canine genetics’ and ‘canine longevity’ bring up quite a lot too. See where they take you.

      Don’t just stick to dog-related terms. Also search general terms such as ‘population genetics’, ‘inbreeding depression’, and ‘conservation genetics’.

      Check out:

      5. Write to your national kennel club about how you feel.

      6. Condemn breeders who are destroying the dogs they profess to love. If you are looking for a dog, do not put money into these people's pockets, however many ‘championships’ they’ve put on their dogs.

      However, don’t forget that there are breeders out there who are very good at what they do and who are fighting hard to keep their breeds healthy by avoiding exaggeration and detrimental breeding practices. Bad clubs can have good breeders in them. They deserve to be supported.

  50. Just back from the vets where my second rescue Cavalier has been diagnosed with MVD/CHF and was discussing Cavalier health with my vet. He said the health of Cavaliers is at crisis point. As well as MVD he is concerned about the rise of SM in especially young pups. ( Something breeders seem blinkered about, my opinion not my vets) He said there are NO healthy Cavaliers to breed from. I think this is heart breaking. Jemima said on PDE 2 of Cavaliers "From creation to ruination in 100 years," So true Jemima and how sad and to the money grabbers who churn out sick pup after sick pup in the name of making a fast buck - shame on you!

    1. Is you vet a specialist in this area? or does he just get his information from television programmes? Perhaps he should speak to Sarah Bloot and get her uptodate advice/opinion, something which was not shown on PDE2 but just an old sound byte fromthe PDE, why didnt Ms Harrison ask for uptodate information?

    2. To Anonymous Mar2,2012 08.24AM

      Why would my vet make up such a thing? I've already lost a Cavalier prematurely to MVD/CHF and my other little one is on medication for it too. Is this all in my imagination too?
      I get very angry when people want to deny health problems either because of ignorance or no wanting to admit this as it would affect them financially.
      Why are, after years of hearing firstly of MVD, are we seeing more and more young dogs diagnosed with SM. Are those all a misdiagnosis ?
      And for your information he did not watch PDE. I can only assume you have a vested interest in denying there's a healthcare with Cavaliers. Your're so lucky never to have to watch the little companion you love so much suffer and die prematurely.

  51. AnonymousMar 2, 2012 08:24 AM
    He's a vet used by the Scottish Government during international trades between zoos, has great experience as a family vet, is in such demand that he works two very popular practice sites, has been the vet of choice to a recent Crufts Supreme Champion, has clients who will wait extra time just to get him, kept wee Sonny alive and active for 5 years from diagnosis, saved Kaley from dying last week and has always given great treatment and advice. Like many, he is wary of speaking out due to the 'Dog Breeder Money Making Mob'. Is he a specialist? Do you not mean 'is he able to spot massive heart murmurs and SM?' Let's say he wasn't a CHD specialist - does that mean he can't diagnose and treat? Like him, I'm getting sick of the 'we love the breed but not as much as we love the money' mob.

    P Cochrane

  52. Well done great programme. We have a 2 year old lab with chronic lupus took months to track the breeder and turns out the whole line is involved. Took me a year to sorce the diagnosis and the right treatment the kennel club were useless and unhelpful I don't know how they can approve of bad breeding and the cruelty that is inflicted on these poor dogs for vanity

    1. Why would it take you MONTHS to track down the breeder? surly you went to their home/kennels on at least two occassion one to see the puppies and more important for them to vett you over and the suitability, and the second time to collect your puppy, and the contact that you and they woudlof had ona regualr basis for the fist year for the progress of your puppy? How did you find the breeder in the first place? Just how much research did you do in advance when looking for the right breeder and puppy??
