
Friday 10 June 2016



  1. Great video, I hope it shocks some sense into idiotic brachy owners who think their dog's lack of ability to breathe is "cute".

  2. only if the potential buyers refuse to buy puppies like that will the stupid breeding practices of these irresponsible breeders stop.......dont support their practices

  3. Its not just obviously deformed breeds like frenchies and pugs-practically all pedigree dogs are a shambles. Look at the levels of cancer and elbow and hip dysplasia in retrievers-its out of control-and those breeds look 'normal'!

  4. The guy at the end who thinks his dog is dead after he stops breathing & then LAUGHS about it blows my freakin' mind. HOW does he not rush his dog to the vet that very night???

  5. When people say that noisy breathing is normal for brachycephalic dog breeds just inform them that renal failure and nerve damage are normal for untreated type 1 diabetes. Multiple fractures and skeletal deformity are normal for people with osteogenesis imperfecta. Respiratory failure is normal for people with cystic fibrosis. Bleeding to death is normal for people with untreated hemophilia. Etcetera. Just because something is normal doesn't mean that it doesn't reduce quality of life and shorten life span.

  6. Then again early stage diabetic and/or hbp renal failure can be reversed with 2 drugs one of which is for HBP!
