
Friday 27 November 2015

How much do I love this? Let me count the ways.


  1. Certainly gets the point across. And it is true, although I hate to see pugs mocked ... after all, they're the victims here, not the perpetrators.

  2. This, of course, is absurd. Wolves are products of God's intelligent design. Today's pugs are products of selfish, stupid people. -- Rod Russell, Orlando, Florida USA

    1. Amazing that in the country that contributes most to, and benefits most from, science and technology, there is still a sizeable proportion who don't believe in evolution! ISIS don't believe in it either....that fact alone should make you reconsider.

      Chris R.

    2. It saddens me that we must combat biological ignorance on two fronts: 1) the ignorance of just how damaging pure-breeding is (inbreeding and extreme breeding), and 2) the ignorance of how life changes over very long periods of time (evolution). The sooner the public understands both these important aspects of genetics, the better off we'll all be.

    3. If a god did exist, it would be 'absurd' to believe it was intelligent.

    4. Yes it's sometimes difficult to see the point why homo sapienes evolved such large brains. It seems to be so often at the expense of every other living thing ourselves included.

    5. River P, I just read a novel by Kurt Vonnegut entitled Galapagos in which the main premise is that the modern human large brain is an evolutionary mistake that brought no real advantages and many disadvantages. As is the case for all of his work both very entertaining and thought provoking.

    6. Christmas reading sorted, thank you!

      I've long held my suspicions....

  3. but how else do we shed light on the problem if not by demonstrating how the victims suffer?

  4. I hate breeders everytime I see such a poor creature. I know well that such sick dogs are breding and buying. But what can I do to stop tortur - breeding? I don't buy them. I am telling people about suffering of pedigree dogs. What else can I do as ordinary citizen? Looking at this dogs doesn't help them.

  5. Way to alienate some of your readers. I like Rod's comment better.

  6. It hurts to look at the poor pug. What makes humans want to own such a creature, do we actually like to take care of these poor things rather than owning a healthy pet? Also I watched the Swedish SKK video of breathing problems and was appalled by the ignorant owners, it seemed they didn´t have a clue. As for the judge, he´s a lier.

    1. That raises an interesting question. Have a look at this -

  7. Do the National Newspapers ever cover this topic?
