
Sunday 9 August 2015

Walk like an Egyptian... GSD

Spotted on Facebook... posted by Egyptian Amr Ismat on his Facebook page.

Ever so proud of his new imports, he is - unaware that he got fleeced. But of course the real tragedy are these two dogs with broken backs and collapsed rear ends. They look so traumatised, too.

In fact, I think these dogs might be Chinese-bred as they breed GSDs like this there - and Mr Ismat also has pictures of grossly overdone Tibetan Mastiffs on his page.

Breeding dogs like this is animal abuse - as bad as beating a dog with a stick.

Impossible to watch and not weep.


  1. How could they not know something is wrong? Such beautiful dogs and they can barely sit. And the camera peers right into their eyes.

    How can you tell their backs are broken?

    1. Well not *literally* broken. But look at the shape of the spine of the dog on the left right at the start of the video.

    2. Oh I see what you mean. I don't think it can stand from the way it leans on the man.

      I have two pedigreed dogs, a golden retriever and a standard poodle. The golden is my service dog. I love them so much and I am frequently grateful for the responsible breeders who produced them. This video breaks my heart.

  2. Tragic.
    Unsound movement. The dogs don't look like they could handle a walk in a hilly park, let alone handle any serious work.

  3. I am sick watching this...

    This breed is meant for versatile work and service. To breed them as anything but healthy, functional dogs is...abhorrent...

    So sad, I can't help but feel for these poor dogs :(

  4. I wonder... Can the one on the left (My left, their right) even stand and sit without leaning against something?

  5. They don't even look like GSD's....more like Mastiff mixes. So unnatural and heavy looking. Their ears also look very rigid...almost like a crop job.

    I've seen the state of the Chinese GSD and am genuinely shocked anyone could claim these dogs are not suffering.

    1. if you look closely, you can see the braces glued inside the ears. piece of black plastic like a popsicle stick.

  6. They just keep screwing up the Alsatian wolf dog more and more. First the hyena-like hindquarters, then the out-sized body, and now the droopy jowls and sagging flew. Nowadays, German shepherds are looking more and more like the St. Bernard, Newfoundland, and German boar hound (great Dane), themselves freakish caricatures of their formerly functional selves. Pure-breeding eventually ruins all animals it touches via inbreeding and the selection for maladaptive extremes. I wouldn't encourage the pure-breeding of goldfish, let alone Man's Best Friend.

  7. I don´t know whether any of you saw in a comment to this video from Egypt a photo of a sonn 10-and-a-half year old GSD which has been tied up on tiny piece of lawn for several years? A few of us neighbours take turns taking the dogs out for walks. He had trouble keeping his balance on even slightly uneven ground at first. Eight weeks of moderate exercise and he has gained nearly six pounds of muscle, at the same time he seems to have lost three years of ageing. To see him stride up a forest slope, like there was no effort involved, or jump a fallen large tree trunk - it makes my own heart fly a little, too. How comes this happened? He´s from old-fashioned working lines with a normal anatomy and a mind born to be active in cooperation with humans. The way that old dog moves now is what those poor creatures never will manage, I think - amd that makes me sad, yes. For them. But downright angry with the breeder!

  8. Irony is they are bred and sold as top gaurd dogs.

    These deformed GSD are very common here, many are imports from America.

    They cannot walk.


  9. I mean in China/Hong Kong.

  10. JH: "In fact, I think these dogs might be Chinese-bred as they breed GSDs like this there" .

    Please don't sink to yellow journalism. In fact . . . I think . . . might be . . . "they breed GSDs like this there" (no evidence of fact provided).

    This is NOT fact. It is an allegation supported by no evidence. There are people who will believe anything you say about what is happening in China; sensationalism, much of it fantasy, about 'the Orient' has been going on since the Opium Wars, if not longer.

    It's amusing in a sad sort of way that the previous article describes how a traditional Chinese breed has had its health eroded by Western breeders selecting for a deformity with consequences for health. Insinuating, with no evidence, that Chinese breeders are exporting grossly exaggerated GSD's to Egypt is not constructive.


    2. Yah, the Chinese are breeding them like this there. The same way they're deliberately screwing the Tibetan Mastiff breed there. I have links somewhere to a couple kennels in China who breed these dogs. (Though if you know what you're looking at, their promo photos have all been photoshopped to enhance the look.)

  11. I'm going to vomit. This is disgusting.
