
Saturday 9 November 2013

Bassets... too true

Spotted at the Kennel Club's Discover Dogs Show in London today.


  1. Love it! I remember in the 1950s, our Bassets could walk without tripping on their ears. -- Rod Russell, Orlando, Florida USA

  2. Exactly, but it ain't fit for bugger all now.

    Jane in the UK

  3. And does the KC supply free of charge cream for the very sore ear leathers because they have been stepped on, dragged around or caught on twigs etc whilst outside. Do the KC supply free medication for the skin conditions that erupt between their toes because of the excessive weight to height, the wrinkles that hang over their eyes, the skin that flops over their hocks, do they? The bassets I have recently seen can barely break out into a trot on a tarmac pavement, which is disgraceful, considering that being fit for purpose should enable them to run most of the day over rough terrain in pursuit of what they were bred for - hunting? Has the KC ever responded to any of your findings JH or are they suffering from an inherited gross over exaggeration which has deafened and blinded them and their brains have atrophied to the point of only one brain cell left, and they need that to count their income from sick puppies?

  4. Did they mean ‘hysterical’ rather than ‘historical’? If the KC Basset Hound wasn’t such a deliberately crippled dog the thought of them hunting would be hysterical.
    We took our pack of Basset Hounds out hunting yesterday and spent much of the afternoon hunting through woodland with very dense ground cover. Interestingly not one of them ripped their skin; which is the often-quoted reason why the KC Basset Hound has excessive folds of skin.
    The Basset Hound Club should remember they are not entitled to an opinion. They are entitled to an informed opinion; no one is entitled to be stupid and/or ignorant. Sadly they are both.

    1. And I bet they looked magnificent and thoroughly enjoyed what they love doing best, moving and using their noses. I envy you your day out with happy healthy hounds..

  5. Yep, looks like a basset hound to me minus all the ridiculous, much sought for painful wobbly bits the show goers desire er and so do the KC!!!

  6. The problem is NOT the KC, it's PEOPLE. The KC could re-write all the standards tomorrow so all breeds had to be medium sized, prick eared 'village dogs' (arguably the original 'dog shape') and those who like deformed parodies of dogs would just form breakaway groups and call their dogs, "Real Bassetts" poo pooing the awful "KC Bassetts".
    The only way to really affect a change is to stop awarding first places! Not to ban showing as again people would just break away but instead of 1st, 2nd, 3rd which encourages drift in type, popular sire syndrome and exaggerations. Instead all dogs could be graded and as many 'Excellent', 'Good', 'Sufficient' cards as needed could be awarded. Perhaps 4 'Excellents as an adult and having all relevant health tests done make you a Champion? Yes, there would be plenty more champions, but that would encourage wider breeding and breeding for even litter in terms of type and temperament.
    A pie in the sky idea I know!

    1. Hi VP, nothing to do with dogs should be allowed to be pie in the sky. But if KC representatives patrolled the rings at their licensed shows of the breeds either on the high profile lists and saw for themselves the gross exaggeration they would be able to understand why people are concerned.
      When they see gross exaggeration they out to contact the breeder/owner and express their concern. The judge can only do what he/she is paid to do on the day, judge what is before them. If the KC were actively seen to be involved and contacting breeders and dog showers then slowly I would hope that an improvement in stock would be seen, and a darn sight happier healthier dogs. The removal of 1st, 2nd etc and replacing with excellent, good etc is a very good idea I personally think.

  7. are floppy ears in dogs a defect?
