
Sunday 18 November 2012


Spotted in a Buckinghamshire park today...  a "meat-mouth" Shar-pei with such gross padding around his muzzle that his nostrils were almost entirely blocked.


A really nice friendly boy, too, he was.

Let's remind ourselves, once again, what Shar-pei used to look like before someone decided to take a breed feature - a small amount of wrinkling and slightly padded muzzle - and blow it up out of all proportion.


  1. Why is it slobbering?

    1. Why is it slobbering? Well my guess would be that it's because it's forced to breathe and pant through its open mouth all the time. You know that sticky mouth feeling when you've run out of breath and had to pant for a minute or two?

      For my own taste I find both dogs in this post equally ugly. But at least the second one can breathe.

    2. The dog chosen isn't particularly handsome and is just a vintage companion shar pei that was not bred for "perfect" ear-set and bone structure and the like. Here's a modern conformation-bred hong kong shar pei:

    3. Definitely better looking but I'm not liking the straight shoulders, stifles, hocks and pasterns! One wouldn't be surprised to see that one mistaken for a pit bull in a Western country either. I guess it's a matter of taste. I'm still not rushing out to buy one.

  2. He almost can't see too.. :(

  3. Turned a good looking breed into "ugly" Bless him, I feel so sad for these poor animals

  4. Looks like old tyme circus side show it could have been. But I am sure a wonderful dog despite our silly human tricks.

  5. Poor dog.............. :-( :-( :-(

  6. Had to have a serious argument with my mother over whether his nose was just that way or hideously swollen. Had to look up pictures of other Shar-peis to prove they are all like that. Most weren't as bad as this, though. If I were a breeder I'd be kind of horrified that people can't tell the difference.

  7. It looks like the Elephant Man. Poor dog.

  8. I have seen worse at shows. Times that by 2. His head was so big, reminded me of a bulldog. However recently at local shows they are looking less wrinkly and not as meaty so I think something is sinking in. It more hobby breeders that breed for wrinkles and meaty mouth, or at least that's what I have noticed in the past 2 years while searching for another pup.

  9. Looks like he was stung by a swarm of bees

  10. eeew what the heck is wrong with it's face?!

  11. poor poor dog -
