
Saturday 2 April 2011

Do you have an epileptic dog?

Then please help Glasgow Vet School by taking part in a survey designed to find ways to  help make the experience a little less traumatic for dogs, their owners and their vets.

The researchers are looking for:

• dogs with epilepsy with either recurrent fits for more than one year with the first fit having occurred between 6 months to 6 years,


• dogs diagnosed by a specialist with the aid of blood examination and MRI.

Questionnaires are available online at:
Password: Epilepsy1! (case sensitive)
Starting date: 01.01.2011
Closing date: 31.05.2011
Alternatively Click here to download a PDF flyer including the above details.

"'Idiopathic' epilepsy  – when the cause is not known – has a high emotional impact on owners and affected vets too. But not much is known about the impact of this disease on dogs’ and owners’ quality of life," writes Annette Wessman from Glasgow Vet School in the Veterinary Record

“We hope the information we gather will help other owners caring for dogs with idiopathic epilepsy as well as vets in communicating issues associated with [the condition]. We believe that the support given by first-opinion practices is immensely important in the treatment of epileptic dogs and this study will also investigate this question.”


  1. I have shared this on my FB & on a forum I am a member of :)

  2. Fantastic... thank you Sam.


  3. According to the flyer, the survey was to close 31.03.2011, two days ago. Is it still active? If so, I'll forward the link to a few acquaintances who have dogs with epilepsy.

  4. Yes, still active - the survey has been extended to the end of May.


  5. I am a member of a couple of epilepsy groups plus other dog groups and I will psot this on those. I will also put the flyer in my vets' waiting room.

  6. Thank you for doing this. I have recently lost my dog Jack. I have filled in the survey and hope it serves some purpose still.

  7. I have filled in one form of 1 of my Epileptic dogs, but I have had 4 Epileptic dogs, and I want to fill in more forms, but every time I want to fill in a next form, I do get the screen done.

    How can I fill in more forms?

  8. Done. Thank you for bringing this to my attention - we have had two epileptic dogs, and it's a challenge.

  9. Done the survey hope it helps others who have epileptic dogs.

  10. The questionnaire is limited to one computer per person unfortunately (due to study related reasons). Thus more questionnaires can only be filled out by using another computer I am afraid. Hope this comment helps.

  11. have answered questions, and passed to many forums I belong to.

  12. My dog had two seizures in two days. Casey is only 9 months old! The source was she was chewing golf balls, which are coated with lead-based paint. My vet never asked me about what she chewed. He never did a heavy metal toxins test. He refused to listen when I paid $800 for her overnight stay, which did not include a lead blood test. He simply said, "Labs get epilepsy. Put her on phenobarbital." Well, a day and a half on that poison, and she was crazy, hyperactive, up all night, didn't recognize me, back legs immobile. It's poison. Like all doctors, the vet only has two options---surgery or pills. IF YOUR DOG HAS SEIZURES, MOST TIMES IT HAS BEEN INGESTING METAL---aluminum, lead, mercury, cadmium, from commercial dog food, our environmental toxins, lawn fertilizer. I would urge you to DETOX your dog, no matter the age. Phenobarbital and potassium bromide treat the SYMPTOMS, not the cause.

  13. I completed this survey, as did many of my friends on the epil-k9 website. I was wondering if you know when the results will be in as me and the others are interested in them. Am I right in thinking we will get a summary of results (if requested when survay taken?) Thanks.

  14. Anon there is an email at the bottom of the flyer (link above). I have emailed and asked and will post back what they say.

  15. Thanks Kate! :)

  16. Got email today :)
    The survey was extended to allow more data collection. They are so far pleased with the participation so far but it will be another 6 months or so before the results are put together.
    All those that took part and requested results (think they asked for our emails at the end of questions) will be sent the results.

  17. Margaret Wilkinson19 June 2011 at 12:54

    Thanks for the update Kate,
    Look forward with interest their results/findings.
    We lost our German Shepherd a couple of months ago to Epilepsy,Megan fought long and hard regarding this condition, which after many months of research found out that it is in her Lines.
    We had a great Vet who gave us lots of support even to writing a letter to the Kennel Club.
    Hope this survey can help with this horrible condition that these dogs have to suffer.

  18. Hi all, our boy Zack (mastiff x Lab) has had epilepsy since about six months old - We took him to the vet and he was put on phenabarbet (sp?) which is also used to treat human eplipsey and is often proscribed for dogs. He is now 6 and the drugs have helped stopped the seizures (he has had the odd very infrequent one).
    The reason for me writing this though was that about six months ago I started looking for a more natural remedy as we wanted to get him off the drugs as they had always made him a little lethargic. I came accross a Homeopathic remedy called Cocculus Indicus 6 which we decided to try. It was scary taking him off the drugs but we did and gave him the homeopathic remedy instead. It has now been three weeks and no siezures. He gets 5 drops a day squirted onto his tongue. He has more energy and seems pretty happy. Just thought I should let others know. So please if you know someone with a dog with Epilepsy let them know about this.

  19. Hi! I was wondering if there will be a summary sendt out to those who took the survey and ticked the box for wanting a summary?
