
Sunday 21 November 2010

Fab Fiona does it again...

Proving her win last week was absolutely no fluke, the UK's first LUA Dalmatian, Fiacre First and Foremost ("Fiona") won the Utility Group  at Manchester Open Show today.  And, as you can see from the above pic, she looks very happy about it!

Fiona's first win at Coventry two weeks ago was the first blog here - and attracted a lot of comment, including a deluge of anonymous bitching about the win being stage-managed (and worse..)

I'm very heartened by this second win. First, it proves that there ia no dark force at work trying to stop her winning - or if there is that it ain't working. Second, it is the best possible news for the LUA Dalmatians.

Many congratulations to Fiona and owner Julie Evans.


  1. Congratulations to Fiona, Julie and Carol. this is wonderful news

    Marion who owns to LUAs inthe USA

  2. Brilliant News! Congratulations to Fiona and Julie. She sure is a beautiful looking Dalmatian :)


  3. Ivan Gignac says that if Fiona is a NUA that cannot compete with the "BIG BOYS" in the USA, then AKC better start taking lessons from the KC and take DCA by the scruff of the neck and teach them to "do the right thing". Anyone who denies registration to these dogs must be D_mb or on D_ugs

  4. Congratulations! May Fiona be blessed with many puppies, and many grandpuppies.
